Monday, 26 July 2021

'Newer Louche', by Aad de Gids & Michael Mc Aloran

"this book sits on top of a hill, looking around. it has no pretentions nor expectations. it is a duowriting booque, again, so that quadruples something. what is in the book is derailment, distortion, dadaism, postpostism, neowriting when not lamenting but, heralding there is nothing more left. without postneo trippunk endjazz however we're going NOT. there is noise. in the book is encapsulted in language what escapes language. the visuals comprise what escapes on all sides. every other writing with more positivist aims is bullshit. the book is a kind of neodebris, to use in the future. on satellite IX, brains totally fried hearts shredded to pieces. life is gone through with speed 240 or 340."

The book itself is available from Oneiros Books 

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