Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Piece @ The Licentium

Untitled I by Michael Mc Aloran

…in a stitch of eye/ disclosure reek coloured by black light shadowy nectar stripped disclosure a glint in the none merely a tint of blade caressing aching meat…
…burnt black aperture lack opening up unto burning fields of absent pagent until trace reclaim hollow as a cast bone’s overture… 
…what tend as if to collapse stillness of breath spilled fuck a sliced eyeball weeping forth in nothing left to murmur of/ all known/ unknown… 
…some breaking mould cast upon spinal some wretched sense there is cum in your mouth a burst blood vessel echoing a-dream laughter-long the hours a cunt exposed dreamless sleep divisive skull/ bites into/ of… 
…reflection of dull waste aching flesh disjointed pulse beat in a sarcophagus of longing give or take an instant’s breath/ slides fallen some ocular fruit’s desire chase of something other than before when death eclipted reason… 
…gutted by rooms walls warping their septic heartless shattered glass opulence given of in dread’s sky broader than once was/ webs cast I-death spinning Roman candelabra birthing re-birthed the raw flesh… 
…wreckage nothing left unto/ drag-pelt sudden as if to dredge given to expire indent approximate skinned purpose a cunt exposed… 
…she-see I idea if unto what longing breathless desire cutting the screams from the dark(ness) darkless/ out of some dreamed I-close nothing of what lung matters not dreams in ejaculate of bloody cum headless attrition the depth what will ever of… 
…skinning the teeth what spectral eye returns for graven discourse/ stripped flesh skinless gait recalls what once exhales plumes of smoke unto bitter skyline absent of all… 
…some trace some all elixir of night endless special devour and the tongue that pierces the body broke stone willow’s advance/ rotting in exigency/ senseless as/ forgotten if… 
…not a/ writhing in the shit of meat unbroken other than by excretive penetrative/ headless taste of attrition in an overture of celebratory of exist… 
…no no other route close the door fathom until none/ escapade eye some syllabus embedded into/ claimed without ever having been… 
…seek-sought without ever-known/ all while the spectral disaster of it lungs torn nothing of nowhere/ inhaling/ exhales/ silence torn from blood-laced skies…      

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