Thursday, 24 May 2018

"all null having", VoidFront Press 2018

all null having a careening plunge thru strangeness of serotonin amplified perverse conceptual integrity/futurity caught up in the vectors of cerebral collisions/words railing against the Cartesian grid/space of thoughts hollowed out ungrounded heresy of linguistic discontinuity/an enciphered probability of multiple meanings defying de-construction pushed to the threshold of the limit of Blanchot’s Book to Come/A post human masterpiece/”

Lee Beckworth, author of ‘Savage the Warning Signs’

all null having” is a joyful apparition from the future-in-us, an Artaud/Guyotat-inspired example of feeding-forward fatal-error performance-writing, and a masterful poetic fictionalization of the meandering ways of non-rational logic. Deployed as patterned assemblages of seizing sentences that challenge the illusion of both continuity and discontinuity, “all null having” explores the continuosly emerging bursts of unnatural, beyond-risk decay embedded in the perceived order.
Germán Sierra, author of “Standards”

“here Mc Aloran is not being obscure, & if the reader thinks he is then i do not know how much they should fuck off but it’s quite a lot.”

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