Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Some images from 'swarm black lights'/ Oneiros Books 2023


'SWARM BLACK LIGHTS' my collection of gnomic, experimental prose poetics & abstract paintings:
'...swarm stasis eclipse terse knock(ed) from shadow-limb coil of wrung blood black secretion tension wild eye shatter of glasswork(s) closest of extension nothing bearing less than down what of till silence traces obsidian liquid night long edge of fathom closure voiceless…
…tied tongue wrestling shade upon echo film surface coat black blood & shining certain as if once emblem cold colours distance lock night(less breath)e) taken from extension riddled to fit from fitful cast from flesh char edge nothing as before all called once more exposure swarm black light(s)…
…echo-black once swallowed as if to collect the curse drain light butchers syllabic with gilt of trace of hand restoration ever-claim secretion emblems aftermath sudden less than cold distance ever-once coil of curled tongue a drapery of light to flow in silenced rooms surface tension(s)…
…flay slash what mark what watermark of closed abandon effortlessly benign cut to the marrow’s eye till breadth of wing sing sung bitten broke stone meat wrench of nothing ever closed/ syllabic as once was in echo lapse intone spit black rejectile detrimentarium exhale reclaim ever clearer…'

Available via here:
Available via ONEIROS BOOKS

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  (poetic aphorisms written 2011) (experimental prose poetry written 2012) (experimental prose poetry & poetry 2011) all 3 titles can be...