Thursday, 3 June 2021

A short review of 'The Zero Eye', published 2014

 "If Mc Aloran's antipoetry today functions as a virtual hadron collider wherein words relentlessly rush against each other in a blind escape from the gravity of intentional meaning, this 2014 publication seems, by contrast, somewhat more pregnant with rarefied though recognizable emotions, at least by virtue of the relatively shorter lines. Here, Mc Aloran still appeared caught between the ecstatic agoraphobia of a Bataillean sky and the dim claustrophobia of a Beckettian cellar; nevertheless, the poet's trajectory always veered toward the posthuman spacelessness in which he now clearly operates. This book, however, contains such indelible phrases evocative of a perpetually endangered sensibility that it is worth a few late night readings. "Shave the air with violet", "vortices that grace the skull's interior" and "stratosphere of bled": honorable mentions from the first three poems..."

The book itself is available from Amazon, here

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