Sunday, 7 March 2021

'TRIAD', now available (06/03/ '21)


Cover art by
Dave Mitchell
& myself...Now available via Oneiros Books ... 248pp
'Triad' is the omnibus collection of three books previously published by VoidFront Press; all null having, nowhere on, cold zero reflect. "...a careening plunge thru strangeness of serotonin amplified perverse conceptual integrity/ a joyful apparition from the future-in-us that challenges the illusion of both continuity & discontinuity/ exploring recurring themes such as the void, the delay, the absence, the irreal/ these words, as is the wont of words, depict the lack & the absence that is language. Here we see what is left for us, as non-space, spaces as non-descript as indecisive, starkly associating with bleakness and stupor nevertheless, the groundscape, psychoscapes of the diagrammatic contours of the space we die in, live in, not so much difference anymore..."

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